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How To Lubricate Your Noisy Garage Door

This video provides detailed instruction on how to properly lubricate a garage door. Invest the 7 minutes to watch the video and we promise you'll be lubricating your garage door like a pro.


In this video Precision Garage Door of Central Arkansas provides instructions on how to properly lubricate the moving parts of your garage door with a recommended lithium spray. You will also see the differences and learn why you should never use oil on your garage door parts. This video gives you a close up view of garage door rollers, pulleys, springs, tracks and motor chain so that you know what to look for when lubricating your garage door parts.

Little Rock Area

(501) 588-7393

(501) 588-7393
Hot Springs Area

(501) 545-2007

(501) 545-2007
Hot Springs Village Area

(501) 209-3077

(501) 209-3077
Benton | Bryant Area

(501) 303-6767

(501) 303-6767
Conway Area

(501) 504-6363

(501) 504-6363
Jacksonville Area

(501) 241-4327

(501) 241-4327
Maumelle Area

(501) 391-1133

(501) 391-1133
North Little Rock Area

(501) 588-3298

(501) 588-3298
Precision Door Service of Central Arkansas
Office: (501) 228-8827
7900 Counts Massie Rd
North Little Rock, AR 72113


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